Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

We Bid Farewell to Our Classes of 2020 and 2021 as They Embark on Their New Journey
Özyeğin University’s classes of 2020 and 2021 received their diplomas during the commencement ceremonies held from September 13 through September 16, 2021. The commencement ceremonies were held in accordance with a set of pandemic measures put in place under the guidance of our COVID-19 Forecasting Team. Our graduates had the happiness of throwing their caps in the air, while our university and faculty valedictorians, and high honor and honor students received their awards. Our graduates were accompanied by their families during the ceremonies attended by our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk and our deans. Özyeğin University celebrated its ninth and tenth generation of graduates this year with combined ceremonies. Our doctoral, master’s, and bachelor’s and double major graduation candidates received their degrees during our in-person commencement ceremonies and stepped into their brand new lives.
As we had the pride of conferring degrees on our students in our 9th and 10th Commencement Ceremonies, which took place on Çekmeköy Campus, our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk addressed our fresh graduates in her opening speech: “You have successfully completed your studies at Özyeğin University and qualified to graduate. You have written your own success story. Özyeğin University, whose diplomas you have proven worthy of receiving today, stands out as a nationally and internationally exemplary higher education institution that is growing ever stronger, and every striking with you each day. With the Covid-19 pandemic, each of us has, in our own ways, recognized the importance of protecting and taking care of each other and meeting the challenges together, as well as constructive criticism and the will to find rational solutions even in the most controversial issues, and for this reason, the value of science and objectivity, most of which we have experienced together. You are graduating from Özyeğin University, vested with merits much different than those you had on your first day. Your transformational journey is not limited to the teachings of the programs whose requirements you satisfied. We know that you will be among the best in your professions. As we graduate you with these merits, we can look to the future with hope and confidence. Today we are not saying good bye to you, for there is no goodbye in families. We are just bidding farewell to you as you embark on your new journey after OzU.”
Following Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk’s opening remarks, Mr. Hüsnü Özyeğin, Chair of the Board of Trustees, addressed our graduates with a video message: “We are bidding farewell to our classes of 2020 and 2021 as they embark on their new path under the impact of the changes the pandemic has brought to our lives. Being back together, in good health, on our campus, just like in the old days, despite a bit of delay, fills us with more hope for the days to come. Today, with your esteemed professors, we are sending you off on your new journey, furnished with the best merits so that you can always make the right choices in your life. In the long journey that awaits you, never refrain from learning from each mistake you make, and trying again and again. Do a job that excites you and that you truly love. Wherever you may be in the world, or whatever job you have, never hesitate to take the steps that will benefit your country and humanity. Use your enthusiasm, knowledge, and skills to the fullest, not just to change your own lives, but also your surroundings, and even the world. Make a difference. You are the ones to build the future of Turkey. Choose to be a good person and never give up on this goal. I want you to promise me that you will never break your ties with our University, and that you will pave the way and serve as a role model for our graduates and students to follow you”.